Light the passion .Share the dream Come on Is there any sentence about Olympic Games

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/06 17:07:19
Light the passion .Share the dream Come on Is there any sentence about Olympic Games

Light the passion .Share the dream Come on Is there any sentence about Olympic Games
Light the passion .Share the dream Come on
Is there any sentence about Olympic Games

Light the passion .Share the dream Come on Is there any sentence about Olympic Games
北京2008年奥运会火炬接力口号:点燃激情 传递梦想 一是富有激情和情感色彩,“点燃”和“传递”两个动词充分体现了火炬接力的特点;二是体现奥林匹克精神和北京奥运会举办理念,与“同一个世界 同一个梦想”主题口号有关联,体现了北京奥运会信息传播的一致性;三是句式简短,琅琅上口,有感染力. “Light the Passion Share the Dream”的英文译法在体现中文口号原意的基础上,将“传递梦想”译为“Share the Dream”(分享梦想),从英文表达和习惯的角度看,“Light the Passion Share the Dream”有动感,有激情,表达了让奥林匹克圣火点燃我们心中的激情,共享奥林匹克友谊、和平、和谐的梦想和愿望. 中文的,不知你看不看得懂