
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:01:50
speak chinese 为什么要用so well,而不是very well.而且如果要形容speak chinese,是形容speak这个动词,还是Chinese这个名词 Kangkang often _____ Jane with her Chinese.Now she can speak Chinese very well.第三个字母是l. hi,fine,quilt,i中i发音不同的是 20句句型互换的题目,kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!加“被”字句“把”字句 英语翻译she studied law in Torontoshe retired from teachingshe tripped on the people on the groundshe winked back at the professor she sneezed and stepped on his foodshe graduated from university 关于单音节和双音节.请问该怎么教学生简单的区分单音节单词和双音节单词.讲到比较级时还应注意什么. Jack can speak very ______ English A.well B.fine C.lovely D.good要原因, SOS.1.翻译现在几点钟了?现在时下午四点钟.2.横线填空My family l_____ to radio every day.Mother usually c____ a meal in the garden.Mrs.Greene stays at home every day and does h____.I want a p____ of writing paper.He lives ____ playin bec高级B2相当于中级过吗看分析图好像是这个意思,但是b2证书也不是证明中级过的东西吧.那做简历的时候可以说自己中级过么--. 以春为话题的排比句 世博会举办了,你想亲眼目睹世博会的盛况吗?请你用一组排比句写出你的心声我多么想_____________________________,多么想_________________________,多么想__________________________,我真切的呼喊__________________ 哪个英文字母像海洋 (1) 填出图中序号和字母所代表的地理事物:大洲:① ⑥ 大洋:A B ,③洲(2) ①洲和②洲之间的分界线是 和⑤洲之间的分界线是__________.(3) 人口自然增长率最高的大洲是 盆地位于 和,A 和 C 之 ey estoy haciendo concurso el primer puesto se lleva una gold :D 在英语中ey发什么音除了【ei】还有吗? 求英语高手翻译,不要软件直译的书信的样本--国际推荐亲爱的---来自中国的问好!我相信你和你的家人都很好,已经好久没有联络你们了,在这里我们要与你分享我们生活中的一个好消息.最近我 英语翻译The value of a driving simulator as a virtual prototyping tool is based on the idea that a person driving the simulator will feel as though they were driving the actual machine.For a driver to perceive a simulation is realistic,they must 英语翻译This chapter gives an overview of the engine,powertrain,and braking systemmodels used in the 980G SII MWL vehicle model.On the actual machine these systemswork to generate,transmit,and control the amount of torque applied to the vehicle 双音节和单音节字是什么意思?我说的是汉字呀! bec高级b2有用吗 刚查的BEC高级得个B2, My shoes are yours.英语单选My shoes are _______yours A.different form B .difference form C.have different form D.have differences form 剑桥商务英语b2有用吗 BEC成绩B2有用吗 My shoes are the same as yours分析句子结构 my shoes are_______cheaper than yours.(very,much) my shoes are——yours A.the same as B.as the same as 请回答下为什么 he often plays football的一般疑问句 Are you (have) an English lesson now 用括号里的适当形式填空 用所给的单词的适当形式填空----- they ____(have) an English class now? 英语语法 “年级、班级”怎么排列?是先写年级,还是先写班级?例如:A.Grade 2,Class 2B.Class 2,Grade 2C.2 Class,2 Grade(选出A/B/C三个选项中正确的一个) 英语语法中 颜色 亮暗 大小 怎么排序