
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 09:06:11
9寸、12寸、14寸披萨直径各有多大,并说说各能供几个人吃 9寸的披萨大概多大 英语翻译拜托来个看过的,不要在线翻译的.不想浪费分.哪个来翻译一下? 分数四则混合运算(要答案)! 什么是分数四则混合运算? 高一函数的性质,第八题 连词成句while,took,we,down,weren,off,walking,the UFO,the street请快一点,到2008年10月19日下午8:00以后就不用了 第8题 while the boy was walking down the street,the UFO landed同义句4种 曲线y=sinwx+a(A>0,w>0)在区间[0,2π]上截取直线y=2,及y=-1所得的弦长相等且不为零,则下列对A,a的描述正确的是A.a=1/2,A>3/2.B.a=1/2,A=1.D.a=1,A While the boy was walking down the street,the UFO landed,对While the boy was walking down the street提问 高一函数第五题 while the boy was walking down the street,the UFO landed 第三题 ( ) the boy was walking down the street,the UFO lended. while还是when 求Y=1/log3(3X-2)的定义域还有Y=loga(2-X) {a大于0 不等于1] y=loga(1-x)平方{a大于0 不等于1} y=1/log3 (3x-2) 定义域 我有一些问题需要回答对数的真数要大于0,同时分母不等于03x-2>0所以x>2/3log3 (3x-2)≠0所以3x-2≠1,x≠1所以定义域是x>2/3且x≠1 ,这个过程中,log3 (3x-2)≠0所以3x-2≠1,x≠1是怎么 while the police were coming,Linda walked around the station.come是瞬间动词,应改成when the policecame,Linda was walking around the station.如果进行时表将来,也应该是While the police were coming,Linda was walking around the station. 英语翻译 While the children were calling the police,the old man ______ ________ hairwas cutting,这里不是应该用 一般过去时吗 填cut his Linda acts as if she were the boss,______ people around.A.ordered B.orLinda acts as if she were the boss,______ people around.A.ordered B.ordering C.to order D.having ordered怎么选择看什么 Linda speaks as if she were a boss.为什么要用were? 高一函数求解 求解第8小题 分数四则混合运算怎么算 如何计算分数四则混合运算我同学要,能回答的具体一点吗 What were you doing when I phoned you yesterday evening?I( )just finished my homework and I( )to watch TV.A.have,am going B.have,was goingC.had,was goingD.had,am going 写明为什么 高一必修一函数试题函数f(x)=[x]的函数值表示不超过x的最大整数,例如,[-3.5]=-4,[2.1]=2.当x属于(-2.5,3]时,写出函数f(x)的解析式,并作出函数的图像.高手回答我吧,谢谢谢谢谢谢 a.What were you doing when it rained.b.What were you doing while it was raining. 一道高一必修一的函数题定义在R上的函数y=f(x),f(x)不等于0,当x>0时,f(x)>1,且对任意实数x,y,都有f(x+y)=f(x)乘以f(y) 1,证明;当x what were you doing _______(昨天晚上) 1.证明函数f(x)=X^2+1在(-∞,0)上是减函数2.证明函数f(x)=1-1/x在(-∞,0)上是增函数3.探究一次函数y=mx+b(x属于R)的单调性,并证明你的结论 what were you doing yesterday?等于what what did you do yesterday?