
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:58:53
同事三分亲 中的一句英语 什么 意思?I can say no more than beacuse she was s Mary often forgets something.She is a _____(forget)girl. He is a______(fear)soldier.He is my hero!是两道题目! Has it stopped raining ,Mike?we have to do some shopping today.是病句吗? has it stopped_____,mike?we have to do some shopping today. She'll go out to do some shopping as soon as it _____.A) stops to rain B.stops rainingShe'll go out to do some shopping as soon as it _____.A) stops to rain B.stops raining C) will stop to rain D) will stop raining 英语翻译一、格林伯格把北美印第安语分成以下五个语组:(黄色字为语言名称,括号内为分布区)1.阿尔冈昆- 瓦卡什语组:Quileute(华盛顿州)、Nootka、 Kwakiutl(两者都分布于不列颠哥伦比 谁有写春节的英语小作文,不少于8句话,发上来可以写在春节吃什么,穿什么,干什么. 德语语言学 德语文学 翻译理论与实践哪个方向好? 今天晚上会下暴雨译成英语:( )( )( )heavy rain tonight she is a carefully girl .she studies very careful 这个字念啥,什么意思? 关于 他帮我补习 的作文 关于补习作文的问题,补习老师让我们昨天带个鸡蛋去.要求在路上不能破.不管你怎么带:拿着,袋子装着,装盒子里……都行.也不管你怎么带去:电动车,公交车,摩托车…… 到了那里之后老师 7年级英语用什么辅导书好?(版本:我马上就要上初一了,英语功底不是很好,请问有什么英语英语辅导书适合我?(版本:新目标7年级上)我是湖北孝感的! 哪些七年级英语辅导书有后面有讲解(新目标) the woman to whom you were talking just now is Mary 's mother为什么要加 to 还有为什么用were 不是用was吗? Lao She is the writre of Tea House中为什么要用writer The women are famous scients whom my father is talking to at the meeting.错哪里?为什么这样是错的. 改错题( The woman whom is milking the cow is my mother . ) tea house is a play by lao she.里面BY的用法1.tea house is a play by lao she,意思能猜出来.,但不知道BY在里面做什么讲2.lonfucius is known for his wise thoughts,这句话是什么时态. she is c(   )the house? last year the region was visited by the worst flood in 60 years.翻译 1.The heavy flood ______ the bridge.A.fell B.failed C.lost D.collapsed She is looking for a new house _____.A.to live B.to live in C.living.为什么答案是 B 而不是 A 很纠结The middle-aged man swim only half way before he got exhuasted and drowned.A.could B.was able to Cmight Dwould 很纠结Our English teacher has three sons,___two study in our middle school.A of that B of which C but two of whom D of whom请问选哪个 为什么呢? 写一段排比句型的话每句开头用:忘不了,那深情厚意,________,忘不了,那深情厚意,________.写校园里让你难忘的事 求一个三句排比句式表白的话大致内容是这样的:时光逆转,河水倒流,她会喜欢我.真实意思是:时光如何能逆转,河水又怎么会倒流,她又怎么会喜欢上我.原句一下子忘记了,记得是一个三段排 she is afraid of going out at night 改为同义句 she is afraid ___ ____ out at night . 下面语段横线处应填入的恰当的句子是( )(2分)夜幕不知不觉地降临了.在这静谧的夜色中,我独自漫步在松软的沙滩上.经过一天的喧嚣,海,有些疲乏了,躺在巨大的摇篮上小憩.他亲热地吻 a little bit in like with you是喜欢。还是像的意思 一道很纠结的英语题目.No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything_____going on in the world.A.it is B.as isC.there isD.what isE.that is请详述理由,可是这道题目E是我补上去的,我觉得E比较对,还