
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 18:07:04
This foodball is ___ you.It's ___ your uncle.A.to;for B.for;from C.from;for Is this school _____ your father worked in ten years ago?(选择,1)Is this school _____ your father worked in ten years ago?A.where B.what C.that D.the one (选D)2)Is this the school _____ your father worked ten years ago?A.where B.what C.t 《送东阳马生序》中“媵人持汤沃灌”的“灌”是通假字,那么它通“盥”,还是“灌”?请给予解释, 请问Is this school ______ your father worked in ten years ago?可不可以用which? 《送东阳马生序》中“每假借于藏书之家”中的假是什么意思啊,是通假字吗? ()歌()舞词语添动物 ()歌()舞,()心()肺,()()无声 请在括号里填写动物名. ( )歌( )舞填动物 为什么可以说have a lot of headaches?这句话绝对真实!Ps:我认为 headache抽象名词,应该是不可数的,为什么加了s? I'm tired and I have a lot of headaches同义句I'm tired and my head (2个空) 英语翻译我想a lot of headaches在这里是"经常头疼"的意思,那么为什么用表示"许多"的a lot of不用表示"经常"的比如often等呢? tired,I,am,I,and,have,lot,of,a,headaches怎么连词成句 We ______Chinese,we love our country.A.are bothWe ______Chinese,we love our country.A.are both B.both are C.both be D.be both love are China Chinese we we great and our连词成句 We often o______ our food in a Chinese restuant首字母填空. 通假字一些解释写出下列句中的通假字1.旦日不可不蚤自来谢项王( )2.张良出,要项伯( )3.人穷则反本( )4.被发行吟泽畔( ) 指出通假字并解释1、满座寂然,无敢哗者2、窥谷忘反3、拙右臂支船4、便要还家,设酒杀鸡作食5、学而时习之,不亦说乎6、对镜帖花黄7、应昂首观之,项为之强8、寡助之至,亲戚畔之9、扁鹊望 木直中绳,輮以为轮(通假字和解释)虽有槁暴,不复挺者(同上)君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣( )君子生非异也,善假于物也( )师者,所以传道受业解惑也( )或师焉,或否焉 通假字并解释 宇宙是150亿年前的小点诞生的,那么这个小点之前是什么?哥哥们别说太复杂, We love the rains very much .We are enjoying our stay here 是什么意思 用英语介词编一个关于打电话的对话,急! We are Chinese.We love _______ country very much.A/our B/ours C/us 选词填空急需回答 碟仙、笔仙...是什么? 笔仙,碟仙是什么? 笔仙和碟仙是真的吗?我曾认识过三个朋友都称自己玩过笔仙,但是没出事,而她们认识的人里有出事的,这些事是真的吗? 中国的月亮选文第五段说月亮是“友情”的,“通人性”的,文中有描写吗?“因为这样”中的“这样”代指什么内容? 对写月亮的诗词,你最喜欢那一句?能说说理由吗? 选文中引用了若干用 求 I would like to express to all of you here our sincere welcome是什么意思啊 如何玩碟仙或笔仙怎么玩?为什吗容易上身 Would you like to stay here for A,two more days B,other two daysC,two another daysD,more two days You would like me to describe our chief accountant?Well,I could never stay away any of his briefiYou would like me to describe our chief accountant?Well,I could never stay away any of his briefings without first drinking at least 3 cups of coffee. 怎样知道地球在自传