
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:12:26
You are not the only child at home?这是什么意思 “I am the first,” he said (happy).“I am the first,” he said (happy). 房地产里说的挂牌、摘牌是什么意思?小弟刚进房地产,有些术语不明白,还请各位大侠不吝赐教! After he became conscious,he remembered____and_____on the head with a rod.A.to attack;hitB.to be attacked;to be hitC.attacking;be hitD.having been attacked;hit找出答案并请说明理由, After he created Disneyland,he became ___ richerA.quite B.veryC.evenD.more The children are staying on home这句话哪错了? 改病句:what are the children going? Today the children are really relaxing 改病句 the child doesn't want to be left lonely at home病句修改 各位大哥大姐大妈大叔大姨大师,If you want to know the meaning of the word ____,you`d better look it up in the dictionary.A.mostly B.exactly C.nearly D.hardly 各位大哥、大姐、大叔、大姨来帮帮忙吧~本人买的是ipod 多宝鱼和比目鱼有区别吗?买鱼怎么挑啊? 北宋和南宋有哪些类似之处 北宋与南宋有哪些相似之处? 多宝鱼又称左口鱼 比目鱼 为什么长的这个奇怪? happily for him,he pass the exam.happily修饰for him的?就是前面这个短语,语法上如何理解 各位大哥大姐大妈大叔……帮帮偶吧!x收到xx的信:偶家搬到了团结路向阳楼41栋东单元503室希望你来作客x去了见门上贴一纸条:唐有王之焕,曾登鹳雀楼.前信一字差,地址出缪误,借诗来更正,多 you go to the party if you don't finish your homeworkYou _______go to the party if you don’t finishyour homework first.A.won’t B.don’t C.oughtn’t D.shan’t为什么选D不选C smell是什么意思 Steve and his dog sang a cute song togetherSteve __ his dog sang a cute song together 同义句 They sang songs by the campfire.They sang songs____the campfire.A close B near C besides D atnear 和 at 都有旁边的意思.选哪个合适 为什么 严肃点!用英语怎么说 严肃的多用英语怎么说赛.帮各忙叻. 我很严肃 用英语怎么说? 严肃和勤劳用英语怎么说严肃和勤劳这两个单词,用英语怎么说? 我比他更严肃用英语怎么说? 哪位帅哥或美女知道什么好听的英文歌吗? at Halloween的解释为新秀提供机会提示:在万圣节为错误答案 生活中不畏艰辛,奋然向上的人的故事(高分速求)是生活中的(那肯定就是现在的啦),不畏艰辛,奋然向上的人的故事,中等篇幅,两三个就行了. at Halloween什么意思 生命的力量是巨大的.生活中有许多不畏艰辛,奋然向上的人,我能讲几个这方面的故 我每天都很想你 用英语说?