
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:48:45
those are my pens.否定句 the U.K.south China of is怎么连成句子 水牛怎么养可以告诉我吗请问怎么样才能把水牛养好一点呢,还有现在的水牛肉好买吗 养水牛要什么条件 水牛养几年得卖 帮luo hai ming 取个好听的男的英文名! How about playing basketball? The orange is made of orange oranges是什么意思 The oranges are orange.对画线部分提问,画线部分是orangeDanny's favourite colour is green.对画线部分提问,画线部分是green连词成句colours,rainbow,you,the,of,the,do,know Colours can also a___ the way we feel and act.For example,orange is the colour of c_____.If you feel sad or afraid,try wearing something orange. 英语翻译这句话有用错吗? 英语翻译I WILL CHECK WITH OUR MANAGER ABOUT THE UNIT PRICE FOR EACH ITEM,AND GIVE YOU REPLAY WITH QUOTAION IN 3 DAYS.ANY OTHER INTEREST,PLEASE LET ME KNOW. that is what we tell ourselves,这里what是什么用法 ain't nothing 'bout you you ain't giving nothing back 大意我懂 ain't 是have的意思吗讲讲这句话的语法 求cctv5中的一首英文歌名2011年1月30号的中午cctv5火箭与马刺的比赛中插播的姚明的那段视频的背景英文歌叫什么?最好附上中英歌词 有耐心的(形容词) 英文翻译 英语翻译1:必须提前5分钟到达车站;2:等候校车时,不准在路上玩耍;3:务必等校车停下来以后才能上车;4:小心上下车和严禁推拉;5:车上保持安静,对号入座,严禁把手,头伸出窗外;6 the man can speak little french.反义疑问句The man can speak little french.反义疑问句The new CD _______ me over 50 yuan.A.spent B.took 给我一本书.祈使句,翻译下,然后说下成分 中学生对未来充满幻想,并渴望能够实现梦想 ,请以 I want to bea/an...为题求取一篇约80词的英语作文 补全单词 Without a c__ ,a person can hardly walk out of a d__. I am going to be a/an 急需一篇英语作文70到80词 不能少 can he goes with us?哪里错了?为什么 can he go with us 这句里的go 为什么不用goes Can he go with us?翻译这英文, Can he go with Could he go with us?的回答 From now on I would like to say nothing tangible is yet seen 这话什么意思? 零晨和凌晨的区别是什么啊? 在国外,cheeky girl 是不是厚脸皮女孩 cheeky