
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:15:54
为什么一回归年地球不是转360度?说通俗好懂点 一个粒子入磁场时与x轴正向45°,出时也是45,“相当于半径转过的圆心角为(360-2*45)=270度”怎样理解 The Person I Who is the person I like?请高手们棒棒小弟我. the person who i like it有语病吗?如果有请把 我喜欢的人 用英文表示出来! There are many kinds of animals in danger 哪里错了?老师在in danger那打我错,为什么原文是There are many kinds of animals 处于危险中 we must think of ways to improve the living s of the animals in danger填什么s后填什么 初中介词有哪些 求经典侦探题目(附答案)越多越好,题目最好短一些,不短也没关系~最好是有解析啦~如果提供的很好的话,悬赏分可以追加~~ How hard__the wind __(blow) last night? Your parents think more of you than themselves.翻译 已知定义在R上的函数y=f(x)满足条件f(x+5/2)=-f(x),且函数y=f(x-5/4)是奇函数,给出以下四个命题:1.函数f(x)是周期函数2.函数f(x)的图像关于点(-5/4,0)对称3.函数f(x)是偶函数4.函数f(x)在R上是单 已知定义在R上的函数Y=F(X)满足F(X+3/2)=-F(X)且函数Y=F(X-3/4)为奇函数,则下列命题中错误的,要分析A:函数F(X)的最小正周期是3 B:函数F(X)的图像关于点(-3/4,0)对称C:函数F(X)的图像关于Y轴对称D: 请问这道题Mr smith lives __that building.为什么是in不是at呢?、at不是后接小地方吗at接小地方 那除了bus stop、还有啥 Mr Smith lives in London该为一般疑问句 Mr Wang lives in Chengdu.变成一般疑问句 i'm busy.改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答.He lives in a small townnear London.改为否定句 若f(x) 是定义在R上的奇函数,且x>0时,f(x)=-1/x+2,则以下命题是否正确,并...若f(x) 是定义在R上的奇函数,且x>0时,f(x)=-1/x+2,则以下命题是否正确,并证明.1.函数y=f(x)的图像与函数y=f(x-s)+t的图像关于点 英译中:Does your location perform payroll in-house 填空1:it is ten minutes h( ) from my home to school 2:don not c( ) the road ,it isdangerous 3:Tom often waits for his mother at the bust s( ) 4:his dream will come t( ) 表示欢迎你的到来. 准确地是用You are welcome, 还是用You are welcomed?RT 被减数增加20,减数减少10,得到的差会() Every one had a _____ time at the welcome partyA great B good C wonderful Dall the above welcome和welcomed用法 运算放大器和比较器有什么区别 运算放大器用作比较器可行吗? The Location is not far to me.Is this correct.那个地方对我来说不远.Is this answer correct?Please explain.The Location is not far to me. 用一个成语概括下面那段话嗟夫!予尝求古仁人之心,或异二者之为,何哉?不以物喜,不以己悲.居庙堂之高则忧其民,处江湖之远则忧其君.是进亦忧,退亦忧.然则何时而乐耶?其必曰“先天下之忧 若y=sin^2x+2pcosx+q有最大值9和最小值3,求实数p,q的值 函数y=(xinx-a)^2+1 当sinx=a时有最小值 当sinx=1时有最大值,求实数a的取值范围 过点(-1,4)作直线l,使点M(1,2)到直线距离最大,则直线L的方程为 Care for the environment will become very important as earth's natural resources run out.的句型 Care for the environment will become very important as earth's matural resources run out.为什么care 不用caring呢?